Specialists gather in a top-secret facility to investigate a series of strange deaths on beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. One of the team's scientists (Nana Gouvea) examines video evidence to uncover a possible parasitic explanation for the fatalities. But when a determined detective (Tom Sizemore) sends her the crazed writings of a mysterious homeless man (Jonny Beauchamp), the scientist slowly learns that the actual threat may be more dangerous -- and far older -- than anyone ever imagined. Can she convince her colleagues (led by Eric Roberts) of the true danger before an ancient force rises from the sea to bring madness and death to all of humanity


  1. 1夜半鬼敲门 4.0
  2. 2医级复仇 3.0
  3. 3蜜月屠刀 9.0
  4. 4恐怖情人节 7.0
  5. 5梦魇三 1.0
  6. 6逃狱惊魂 3.0
  7. 7香蕉的混蛋 2.0
  8. 8验收测试2021 8.0
  9. 9豹族 10.0
  10. 10刽子手之死 6.0
  11. 11富江2:另一张面孔 3.0
  12. 12七月 7.0
  13. 13富江6:恶魔再生 6.0
  14. 14反面无情 1.0
  15. 15鬼同你有缘之阴尸路 10.0
  16. 16鬼哭神嚎1996 4.0
  17. 17战争游戏 9.0
  18. 18开错鬼门关 1.0
  19. 19痛苦抉择 1.0
  20. 20追忆往事 6.0
  21. 21赌场 10.0
  22. 22夏日痴魂 5.0
  23. 23惊天十二小时(粤语) 4.0
  24. 24来自地狱的钟声 1.0
  25. 25可爱的恶魔 1.0
  26. 26最完美的女孩 7.0
  27. 27离魂鬼巫 7.0
  28. 28诡小孩 1.0
  29. 29上帝的旨意 4.0
  30. 30劫后诊疗室 3.0